Attorneys for College Students in Des Moines, IA
The consequences for college students accused of a crime can be more complicated. In addition to fighting the criminal charges in the courtroom, the student might also face disciplinary action at the college or university even if the crime did not occur on campus. Even if the criminal charges are ultimately dropped, the student can be expelled and the disciplinary record can follow the student throughout educational pursuits.
The attorneys at McCarthy & Hamrock, P.C. represent college students attending area colleges including the two four-year private colleges in Des Moines:
- Drake University; and
- Grand View University.
The attorneys at McCarthy & Hamrock, P.C. also represent clients at Des Moines Area Community College, the two satellite facilities of The University of Iowa, Des Moines University (an osteopathic medical school) and AIB College of Business. The attorneys also represent clients from William Penn University, Upper Iowa University, and Simpson College.
Call (515) 279-9700 to discuss your case today.
Disciplinary Actions Against College Students
Students found responsible for violation of the student code of contact for area colleges and universities can receive the following types of sanctions:
- expulsion;
- suspension;
- housing removal;
- disciplinary probation;
- disciplinary censure;
- required meeting with university staff;
- educational reports;
- service hours; and
- monetary fines.
Types of Crimes Commonly Involving College Students
Most of the most common criminal offenses for college students under the age of 21 who possess alcohol and other liquor law violations. The State of Iowa restricts the consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages to individuals 21 years of age or older.
The criminal defense attorneys at McCarthy & Hamrock, P.C. also represent college students for a wide variety of criminal offenses including:
- OWI or drunk driving;
- Theft, shoplifting and retail theft;
- Domestic violence;
- Dating violence;
- Stalking;
- Disorderly conduct or public intoxication;
- Possession of marijuana;
- Possession of controlled substances and other drug abuse crimes;
- Possession of a fake I.D.;
- Assault; and
- Sex crimes including rape or sexual assault.
The attorneys at McCarthy & Hamrock, P.C. also represent college students during disciplinary actions regarding a violation of the student code of conduct, administrative hearings, and meetings with the dean of students. After an arrest or criminal accusation, these students will be “referred for campus disciplinary action.”
Many local colleges and universities in Des Moines work with the Des Moines Police Department. Security officers on campus will often provide local law enforcement with information about criminal activities taking place on the campus.
Additional Resources
Grand View University’s Report on Crimes on Campus – In 1990, the United States Congress passed legislation commonly known as the Campus Security Act or the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.” Under this law, the college must provide information regarding security policies and procedures to faculty, staff, and students. Find the report by Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa, showing crimes committed on campus and related areas.
Finding a Lawyer for College Students Accused of a Crime
The criminal defense attorneys at McCarthy & Hamrock, P.C. in Des Moines, Iowa, represent students accused of committing a crime on campus or in any building or property owned or controlled by the college or university, student residences, dormitories or other residential facilities for students on campus.
Many of these criminal offenses occur in non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by a student organization such as a fraternity or sorority.
Call (515) 279-9700 today.